Skin Care
Essential oils balance, hydrate and regenrate skin keeping it healthy and happy.
The Concentrate
Essential Oil Collections
Popular Holiday Scents
All of the ingredients in Seasons Organics The Concentrate Cream are fresh, non-toxic, produced by nature, and minimally processed.
It is the perfect cream with equal balance of waters and oils. What makes our skin dry out is lack of water, so a good moisturizing cream contains a large percentage of water. The oils in this formula coat, soothe, protect, and most importantly, hold moisture in your skin.
The Concentrate is formulated to not only coat the surface of the skin but also to penetrate the epidermal layer and moisturize the dermis below. Most creams never penetrate the surface of the skin to add moisture to the deeper layers of the skin.
Each blend is custom made especially for your order. Because of this Seasons Organics does not need harsh preservatives and chemicals. Each ingredient also has natural preservative qualities insuring a long life of up to eight months. Refrigeration is not necessary.
Seasons Organics fresh, pure and organic base cream ingredients possess anti-aging properties that come from various antioxidant molecules that are capable of slowing or preventing the oxidation of cells caused by free radicals; unstable molecules that damage cells leading to premature aging of the skin.
This base formula is designed to enrich and protect your skin from the elements during each season. Our Concentrate Buttercream Blend has the consistency of gourmet buttercream frosting. Our concentrated light cream is half as rich for those who prefer a lighter consistency.