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Skin Health Tips

Foods that benefit skin
What you put into your body matters too...


Avoiding processed foods. Eating a well rounded plant based diet of whole foods rich in anti-oxidants is vital to healthy skin. Processed foods contain unnatural chemicals, refined sugars and grains, unhealthy fats and other unusual ingredients that our bodies have great difficulty processing. If possible it is best to eat organic, non-genetically modified, non-irradiated, grass-fed, and wild-caught foods.  Higher quality foods will always be less taxing on the body as they are lower in toxins.  They also offer more nutrients.   



Boosting your Omega-3 oil intake will improve the tone and texture of the skin as well as give you numerous other benefits.  Good sources of Omega-3 oils are: deep sea fish such as sardines and wild caught salmon.  Plant sources of Omega-3 are:  

  • flax oil

  • kelp 

  • chia

  • pumpkin

  • organic soy

  • canola oil

  • walnut oil 

  • dark leafy greens.


Many Americans are low in the essential fatty acids which can lead to dry skin and other disorders.  Not only can these oils produce velvety skin and promote good health they can:

  • increase metabolism by helping the body burn fats more efficiently

  • keep cell membranes fluid

  • lower LDL cholesterol

  • decrease stored body fat

  • aid in brain development and function

  • reduce inflammation

  • reduce allergic reactions

  • reduce water retention

  • produce calmness in nervous system

  • keep blood thinner and healthier

  • reduce water retention - blood vessels under the eyes can become dilated and engorged with fluids, which can contribute to dark circles. 

Supplements for skin health

In this day an age with the quality of our soils, environmental pollution and the low quality of many of our foods, supplementation of nutrients is definitely something to consider.  Most people are below the RDI in one or more important nutrient and few are in the rage for the Suggested Optimal Daily Nutritional Allowances (SONA), that can be 10 times higher than the RDI.  Pay attention to what your skin may tell you.  Iron deficiency anemia may cause a bluish tinge below the eyes on certain individuals. Food allergies and sensitivities can also contribute to dark circles.  Most nutrients play a role in the health of the skin and when we are low in these the skin will be damaged. To talk with a nutritionist about what supplements may be right for you please visit:



8 Healthy Lifestle choices for glowing skin



Avoid exposing your skin to excessive amounts of sun, especially between the hours of 10 A.M and 4 P.M. when the suns rays are the strongest.  Wear tightly woven protective clothing that covers your skin.  Our UV stress-releaving cream mitigates the affects of sun damage due to its high content of organic pomegranate seed oil as well as other skin healing components.  



Gently cleanse your skin.  Do not use harsh chemicals, hot water or abrasive cloths on your skin.  You may also want consider the Oil Cleansing Method (OCM).  



Smoking intensly ages the skin and causes loss of elasticiy and tone.  It narrows blood vessels in the outer layers of the skin decreasing blood flow. When there is low circulation in the skin it is deprived of oxygen and nutrients that are vital to the health and regeneration of skin.  It also damages the fibers of the skin that give it it’s strength and elasticity.  Resources to help you stop smoking.



Take care of your skin with natural ingredients.  Do not use any artificial or synthetic chemicals in your food, makeup or other topical products. 



Drinking plenty of purified, mineral water or organic caffeine free herbal teas to hydrate the skin is always suggested.  Not only does water flush out toxins it hydrates and nutrifies the skin.  If you see dark circles beneath your eyes, are irritable, have headaches, are constipated, or lethargic you may be dehydrated!  Avoid dehydrating drinks, like cola, coffee and alcohol and choose water with a bit of lemon or mineral water to replace these.  It takes 33 liters of water to neutralize the acidity in the body that just one soda creates.  This includes diet soda.   When you drink soda you give your organs an acid bath!  A good rule of thumb is to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces a day and to spread your water intake throughout the day.    



Exercise keeps the body working smoothly.  It improves blood flow as well as the intake of oxygen which will naturally keep the skin healthy and vibrant. Hire a licenced personal trainer to create a customized program for body, mind and skin. 



Stress causes illness and premature aging on the skin as well as the entire body.  It is wise to find stress coping techniques that can help you lower excessive amounts of stress in your life.  This does not only apply to your mental life but also the stresses your body may be experiencing through excessive physical activity, heavy drinking or drug use as well as eating a diet that is low in beneficial nutrients.  



As people sleep, skin rejuvenation takes place and the cells undergo a process of repair from any harm it has suffered during the day. To help skin stay healthy most people need at least seven hours of sleep a night.  A lack of sleep can make skin appear more pale, which allows blood vessels to be more visible through the skin, giving the appearance of bluish or dark circles.  It is also best to remove any make-up before going to bed as it will impede healing and repair.



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