Italian Gold-All Skin Types, Mature, Wrinkled Skin
A blend of Neroli, Bergamot and Lemon essential oils that is beneficial for all skin types as well as mature and wrinkled skin.
Neroli Essential Oil - Bitter Orange
increases circulation and stimulates new cell growth. It can prevent scarring and stretch marks. Any type of skin can benefit from this oil, although it is particularly good for dry, irritated or sensitive skin. Neroli helps to clear acne and blemished skin, especially if the skin lacks moisture. With regular treatment, it can reduce the appearance of fragile or broken capillaries
Lemon Essential Oil
Lemon essential oil is uplifting, and refreshing, yet relaxing and does not over-stimulate. Lemon oil helps calm the senses inducing sleep. It also has the ability to stimulate white blood cells. And it’s high antibacterial properties have been known to last up to two weeks.
is excellent for skin ailments such as psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea (excessive oiliness), and acne. It is believed the scent relieves stress and anxiety.