UV Stress Reversal-Sun Damage
This combination of essential oils added to Pomegranate seed oil have anti-aging qualities as well as the ability to mitigate harmful UV damage to skin.
Pomegranate seed fatty oil mitigates the long term ongoing effects of damage to the skin by the suns ultra violet rays.
Myrrh Essential OIl
is fantastic for skin as it revitalizes and tones. It does this by slowing the loss of elastin in the skin.
Oregano Essential Oilis especially efficient for healing dry skin as well as balancing skin sebum. It is also an elastase inhibitor as well as a free radical scavenger. It activates glutathione in skin cells keeping them youthful. It is also believed to help in the prevention of skin cancer.
Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
is a very gentle skin tonic is ideal to replenish and enrich dry or sensitive skin. Its bactericidal, anti-itching, and antiseptic properties help to refresh the skin and reduce swelling.
French Lavender Essential Oil
promotes relaxation and balancing for both mind and body. It keeps the skin in healthy balance and helps alleviate emotional stress. Its healing and antiseptic properties have the ability to stop pain. Lavender essential oil also aids the immune system by speeding up the skin’s own natural healing process.